Python in Easy Steps by Mike Mcgrath Pdf Download

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It is certainly going to sit on my desk to help me through my entry into Python for a while.
In some ways, aspects were a little brief, but in the age of the internet (and the topic of this book), I was okay with that, as I w
From a PHP developers point of view that wants to learn Python, this seemed a fantastic book. It went through things in a clean way with 2-page spreads, so once you have read the book, it is a nice easy reference to go back to, without having to search through 1000s of pages.It is certainly going to sit on my desk to help me through my entry into Python for a while.
In some ways, aspects were a little brief, but in the age of the internet (and the topic of this book), I was okay with that, as I would use the book as a starting point to know how to ask my questions on forums.
The only real thing it was missing in my opinion was a 'community' section, so best practices in where to go to for help, how to keep on top of upcoming things, and those non-technical elements of an open source language.
I was looking for a straightforward introduction to Python and this book delivered. It gives an overview of the structure of Python but doesn't go into great detail. It has given a foundation and I will look at other books on how to use Python for data analysis and mathematical calculations. The book is a good starting point for anyone.

I am an experienced developer and was looking for an easy introduction to Python that would be entertaining to read, have lots of examples that I could try on my Raspberry Pi 4, and would leave me with some useful skills. This book ticked all the boxes and was well proofed - I found no errors.

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